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Is it better to spray or roll kitchen cabinets?

Spray Paint or Roll? What’s The Best Way To Refinish Your Kitchen Cabinets?

Many people wonder whether a sprayer or a roller is better for painting kitchen cabinets. Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages. We’ll go over the benefits and drawbacks of each so you can make an informed decision about which method is best for your kitchen cabinet project.

Spraying paint onto cabinets is frequently regarded as the quickest and easiest method. And, in some ways, it can be. When using a sprayer, you can avoid having to tape off the area around your cabinets (as you would need to do when using a roller). This can help you save time during the painting process. Furthermore, because spraying is a ‘contactless’ paint technique, it can help to avoid adding any unwanted texture to your cabinets. The main disadvantage of using a sprayer is that it can be difficult to achieve an even coat of paint with this method. If you are not careful, you may end up with an uneven finish on your cabinets.

The traditional method is to roll paint onto your cabinets. And, in some ways, it can be more difficult than spraying. When using a roller, make sure to tape off the area around your cabinets so that paint doesn’t get on surfaces you don’t want to be painted.

However, rolling paint onto cabinets can help to create a more even coat than spraying. Furthermore, rolling paint onto cabinets produces less texture than spraying, which means

Spray painting is a ‘contactless’ paint technique, so it adds no texture to the surface. A roller will always leave some texture on your cabinets. Spray paint over a roller produces a smoother, more even finish on kitchen cabinets.

Spray Painting vs Rolling

There are two methods for refinishing kitchen cabinets: spray painting and rolling. Both have advantages and disadvantages that you should weigh before making a decision.

Spray painting is the quickest option and can give your cabinets a smoother finish. However, it is more expensive and can be messy. Rolling is less expensive and easier to do yourself, but it takes longer and can be difficult to achieve a smooth finish.

Weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each method before deciding which is best for you.