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Is it better to spray or paint kitchen cabinets?

Should You Spray Or Paint? Which Is the Best Way to Get a Professional Finish on Your Kitchen Cabinets?

For an extra smooth and professional-looking finish, many paint experts recommend spraying painting kitchen cabinets. This method is more convenient than using a paintbrush and roller, but it takes some time and practice to master.

Set up a workspace in a well-ventilated area and gather your supplies before spray painting your cabinets. To reach the top of the cabinets, you’ll need a ladder or step stool, as well as painter’s tape, drop cloths, sandpaper, primer, and paint. Choose a paint that is specifically designed for cabinetry to ensure a long-lasting finish that will not chip or peel over time.

Once you’ve gathered all of your materials, begin by sanding down your cabinets to create a smooth surface for the paint to adhere to. Tape the edges of each cabinet door and drawer front with painter’s tape. The cabinets should then be evenly coated with a primer designed for laminate surfaces. Allow the primer to completely dry before beginning to paint.

Pour your paint into a handheld airless sprayer when you’re ready to start painting. As you work, keep the sprayer about 8 inches away from the surface of the cabinets; if you get too close, the paint may drip or run. Working in long, even strokes, cover all of the surfaces evenly. Allow the paint to completely dry before removing the painter’s tape.

The Benefits of Spray Painting Kitchen Cabinets

There are a few reasons why you might choose spray paint over brush painting for your kitchen cabinets. One advantage is that it can provide a more even finish. When you brush paint, you run the risk of leaving streaks or brush marks. Spraying is the best way to achieve a professional-looking finish.

Another reason to spray your cabinets is if you intend to use a darker color. It can be difficult to apply an even coat of paint to all surfaces with a brush, resulting in an uneven final appearance. Dark colors are especially difficult to work with, so spraying can assist you in achieving the desired look.

Finally, painting your cabinets by hand can be time-consuming and frustrating if they have intricate details or carvings. It can be difficult to get paint into all of those nooks and crannies. Spray painting is a better option if you want to save time and effort.