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How long will cabinet refacing last?

How Long Do Cabinet Refacing Projects Last?

When it comes to cabinet refacing, most people believe that the process will be completed quickly. This, however, is not always the case. In fact, many people have refaced their cabinets without incident for many years.

A few factors can influence how long a cabinet will last. The tone of the wood is the first factor that can affect the lifespan of a cabinet. If the wood is dry and brittle, it may not last very long. Furthermore, if there is any moisture in the room, it can cause damage to the cabinets over time.

The condition of the door hinges and frames is another factor that can affect how long a cabinet will last. These may eventually fail if they are in poor condition or are not properly maintained. Furthermore, if you have young children who are constantly banging on doors and furniture, your cabinets may wear out sooner than expected.

Overall, most people discover that refacing their cabinets lasts for many years with no major problems. Simply take care of your doors and hinges to prevent them from breaking down over time, and you’ll be fine!

Factors That Can Shorten the Life of Cabinet Refacing

There are numerous factors that can shorten the lifespan of cabinet refacing. Water damage is one of the most common. If the water becomes trapped in the pores of the wood and begins to rot, it can lead to problems later on. Improper installation, neglect, and abuse are other factors that can shorten the life of a cabinet.

Cabinet Refacing Styles

To update your old cabinets, there are several types of cabinet refacing that can be done.

Replacing the doors and drawer fronts is the most common type of cabinet refacing. This is the most basic type of refacing and can be completed in a day or two.

If you want to completely update the cabinetry, you can do so by changing the finish, adding new hardware, or changing the layout. This will take more time and may necessitate the assistance of a contractor.

Whatever type of cabinet refacing you choose, get estimates from several contractors so you can get an idea of how much it will cost and decide which option is best for your home.